The glossary of terms and the glossary of relationships contain Latin terms and types of relations in Greek used in the search fields of the database. Both glossaries will be updated, if necessary, each time a new version of the database will be uploaded.


The "Role" relationship captures the role of the person in a particular event, to which the source refers. Each person can play multiple roles, except the main one, which are implied or indirectly referred to in the event described by the source. This kind of relationship reflects the main role of the person in the event, while further explanations for this role are given in the field "Description" of the entity "Relationships".

Adversary (Αντίδικος): Person who accuses or is accused on some disagreement or dispute, or even accused by natural persons or the political or judicial authorities of an offense committed. A person who is acquitted or convicted by a judicial authority.
Apprentice (Μαθητευόμενος): Person, minor or adult, who, after a relevant agreement, undertakes to serve a craftsman in order to learn his art.
Archdiocese (Αρχιεπισκοπή): When the main role concerns the archdiocese as an institution, which acts as such.
Attest (Βεβαιών): Person who confirms another person that the terms of their agreement or transaction will be observed.
Attested (Βεβαιούμενος): Person who is affirmed by another person that the terms of their agreement or transaction will be observed.
Beneficiary (Ευεργετούμενος): Person who receives a "benefit" (gratia) of any kind from the state upon request, or person who receives a donation from another person.
Borrower (Δανειολήπτης): Person who receives a cash or in-kind loan from another person.
Buyer (Αγοραστής): Person who buys, directly or indirectly, real estate, products, objects, slaves or villeins etc.
Charterer (Ναυλωτής): Person who rents a boat under certain conditions, usually for commercial purposes.
Church (Εκκλησία): When the main role in the event concerns the church as an institution, which acts as such.
Colonist (Άποικος): Person who takes part in the expeditions of settlers from Venice to Crete during the first half of the 13th century.
Compensated (Αποζημιούμενος): Person who, upon a request or following a court decision, is compensated in money or in kind by the state or by an individual. The role is usually used for persons who are compensated by the state.
Creditor (Πιστωτής): Person to whom money, products or services are owed according to agreements he has signed. This role is usually assigned to person who settles the repayment of debt by new agreement.
Debtor (Οφειλέτης): Person who owes money, products or services based on agreements he has signed. This role is usually assigned to a person who settles its debt by an agreement with the borrower.
Diocese (Επισκοπή): When the main role in the event concerns the diocese as an institution, which acts as such.
Donor (Δωρητής): Person who donates (other than bequest) an asset, amount of money or object to another person.
Dowry, who provides (Προικοδότης): Parent or other relative of the woman who promises a dowry in a prenuptial agreement. Parent, other relative or the spouse herself who delivers the dowry and receives receipt of payment. The wife, for whom a dowry is granted.
Dowry, who receives (Προικοδοτούμενος): The spouse who agrees to a dowry in a prenuptial agreement, or receives a dowry under a previous oral or written agreement and signs a receipt.
Emancipated (Χειραφετούμενος): An adult and normally free person, who becomes independent from paternal guardianship, receives part of the paternal property and now forms an autonomous family home and economic unit.
Employee (Εργοδοτούμενος): Person hired by an employer for a long- or short-term service or a specific work.
Employer (Εργοδότης): Person who signs agreement hiring another person for a long- or short-term service or a specific work.
Executor of will (Εκτελεστής διαθήκης): Person appointed as executor of the will by the testator, or person acting after the death of the testator to fulfill the conditions of the will.
Feudatory (Φεουδάρχης): Person who owns a fief (land, villeins, urban property), mentioned as such in the Land Registers or in any other public or private document, or other written source. Feudal lord who is mentioned as the owner of a village, a a piece of land, other agricultural holdings or urban real estate.
Founder (Κτήτωρ): Person who has built a church and holds the right of ownership (ius patronatus).
Freedman (Απελεύθερος): Villein or slave freed by his master by public or private document.
Funded (Χρηματοδοτούμενος): Person who receives a sum of money from an investor for commercial activity on land or at sea, in his shop or workshop, or in public space, by a colleganza contract or other simpler agreement.
Guaranteed (Εγγυοδοτούμενος): A counterparty who has requested and accepts a guarantee from a third party against the contractor for various reasons.
Guarantor (Εγγυητής): Person who provides a guarantee for another person for various reasons.
Guardian (Κηδεμόνας): Person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care of an adult or minor person for various reasons. These include the parent who emancipates his adult child or who consents to acts of his non-emancipated adult child, the feudal lord who consents to acts of his villein, the person who sponsors and represents minors (procurator), person who contracts with an artisan for apprenticeship of his child or his protected.
Heir (Κληρονόμος): Person, relative or not, who receives an inheritance of any kind under the terms of a will.
Investor (Επενδυτής): Person who invests a sum of money, agricultural or livestock capital, or objects in formal (colleganza, societas) or informal for-profit agreements.
Involved (Εμπλεκόμενος): Person who does not have a direct role in the main event, but is a factor that affects the event.
Legator (Κληροδότης): Person who draws up a will and bequeaths his assets.
Lender (Δανειοδότης): Person who provides a cash or in kind loan to another person.
Lessee (Μισθωτής): Person who leases an urban or agricultural property from its owner, or subleases from its tenant.
Lessor (Εκμισθωτής): Person who, as an owner or tenant, leases or subleases urban or agricultural property to another person.
Master artisan (Μάστορας): An experienced artisan, who can also maintain a workshop, where he accepts young apprentices of his art.
Member of Council (Μέλος συμβουλίου): Person who participates in one of the Councils of Crete (Grand Council, Senate, Council of Feudatories) and his main role is identified with his capacity or participation in a meeting and decision-making.
Mention (kinship) [Αναφορά (συγγένεια)]: Person without a direct or indirect role in the event. It is mentioned as a relative (e.g. father, brother etc.) of the main person in order to be identified better.
Mention (Αναφορά): Person without a direct or indirect role in the event of the source. It is mentioned in order to better identify an event, a place, a period of time, etc. In the field "Description" more explanations are given for this reference.
Merchant (Έμπορος): Person whose main role in the event is his commercial activity.
Monastery (Μονή): When the main role concerns the monastery as an institution, which acts as such.
Mortgage Free (Ανυπόθηκος): Person whose property is released from a mortgage.
Mortgage secured (Ενυπόθηκος): Person secured by a mortgage on another person's assets.
Notary (Συμβολαιογράφος): Person whose role is identical with his capacity, i.e. he either draws up or is mentioned to have drawn up a contract or a public document, or he receives a license to practice the profession or he is appointed as a notary in the chancellery.
Owner (Ιδιοκτήτης): Person who is mentioned as the owner of real estate mainly in a city (burgesia / burgensis) or castle and is not documented as a feudal lord. Also, person who owns a product or object, a prebenda, a boat, a slave (who leases, sells or frees him).
Partner (Συνέταιρος): Person who enters into a financial agreement (societas) with another person. The two partners invest and jointly exploit the capital that each one invests. Co-owner of an asset (e.g. land, building, boat, etc.).
Priest (Παπάς): Person whose role in the event is passive and identified with his quality as an Orthodox priest.
Proxy (Πληρεξούσιος): Person authorized by one or more persons to act for him or them for all the affairs or for a specific one. Person who acts in a legal act as a proxy of another person, regardless of the type of act.
Proxy, who nominates as (Πληρεξουσιοδότης): Person who authorizes one or more persons to act for him for all his all his affairs or for a specific one.
Rebel (Επαναστάτης): Person who leads or has led a revolt or comes to an agreement with the Venetian authorities after a revolt.
Repaid, who is (Εξοφλούμενος): Person who receives part or all of a debt in cash or in kind, and signs a receipt. Creditor who settles the repayment of the debt by a private agreement or by a court decision.
Repayer (Εξοφλητής): Person who repays part or all of his debt in cash or in kind, and receives a receipt. Debtor who settles his debt by a private agreement or has to pay off after a court decision.
Seller/Vendor (Πωλητής): Person who sells, directly or indirectly, real estate, products, objects, slaves or villeins, etc.
Serviens: A salaried soldier, who undertakes the military service (varnitio) of a fief towards the feudal lord. A serviens could be also an unpaid relative of the feudatory for various reasons, such as when the feudatory is a woman or an underage man.
Ship-owner (Εκναυλωτής): Person who leases his boat under certain conditions for the transport of products for commercial purposes.
Slave (Σκλάβος): Person whose main role in the event is passive and is identified with the social status of the slave (registration, exchange, sale, liberation, etc.).
Subject (Υποκείμενο): Person whose role is protagonist, but occasional (i.e. the role cannot be identified with all the other roles). He can also be the main person to whom any act refers. The exact role is explained in the "Description" field.
Villein (Βιλάνος): Person whose main role in the event is passive and is identified with the social status of the villein (registration, exchange, rent, sale, etc.).
Witness (Μάρτυρας): Person who signs as a witness in a public or private agreement. Person who testifies before the authorities in the context of a trial or other investigation.

2. PERSON – OFFICES (as roles)

The office is identified, in this case, with the main role of a person in the event. For the interpretation and content of the offices, see glossary of terms – Office.

Admiratus Candide
Admiratus Chanee
Advocator Candide/Crete
Anzianus comunis
Archiepiscopus Crete
Bullator pani
Camerarius Chanee
Camerarius Crete
Camerarius Rethimi
Cancellarius Chanee
Cancellarius Crete
Cancellarius Sithie
Capellanus maior
Capitaneus burgi
Capitaneus de nocte
Capitaneus exercitus
Capitaneus galearum
Capitaneus galee
Caput et divisor
Castellanus Corone
Castellanus Coronis et Mothonis
Consiliarius Chanee
Consiliarius Crete
Consiliarius Rethimi
Consilium maius
Custos carcerum
Custos porte maris Candide
Dominus de nocte
Duca Crete
Frater conversus
Gastaldus ripariorum
Iconomus monasterii
Iudex arbitrarius
Iudex presopii
Iudex proprii
Medicus salariatus
Ministerialis curie cretensis
Notarius archiepiscopi
Notarius castri
Notarius curie Crete
Notarius iudicatus proprii
Notarius iusticiariorum
Officium catasticorum
Officium salis
Partitor comunis
Patriarcha Constantinopolis
Ponderator farine
Portolanus porte maioris Candide/ portarius ad portam magnam Candide
Preco curie cretensis
Primicerius Sancti Marci
Rector Candide/Crete
Rector Chanee
Rector Rethimi
Rector Sithie
Scriba camere
Scriba castri
Scriba comercli et messetarie
Scriba curie (palacii) Candide
Scriba curie vicarii
Scriba dominorum de nocte
Scriba et ponderator farine comunis
Scriba iustitie
Scriba presopii
Scriba quinque de pace
Superstes panatarie
Superstes portus Candide
Vicarius generalis


Adopted child of: Υιοθετημένο τέκνο του
Ancestor of: Πρόγονος του
Best man or godfather of: Κουμπάρος του
Brother of: Αδελφός/ή του
Brother-in-law: Κουνιάδος/α του
Child of: Τέκνο του
Cousin of: Εξάδελφος/η του
Daughter-in-law: Νύφη του
Descendant of: Απόγονος του
Ex-husband or ex-wife of: Πρώην σύζυγος του
Father-in-law or mother-in-law: Πεθερός/ά του
Godchild of: Βαπτιστικός του
Godfather of: Νονός του
Grandchild of: Εγγονός/ή του
Grandfather or grandmother of: Παππούς/Γιαγιά του
Great grandchild of: Δισεγγονός/ή του
Great grandfather or great grandmother of: Προπάππος/γιαγιά του
Heir of: Κληρονόμος του
Husband or wife of: Σύζυγος του
Late husband of: Μακαρίτης σύζυγος της
Legator of: Κληροδότης του
Natural child of: Φυσικό τέκνο του
Natural father of: Φυσικός πατέρας του
Niece of: Ανιψιός/ά του
Parent of Γονέας του
Possible relative of: Πιθανή συγγένεια με
Relative by marriage: Συμπέθερος του
Relative of: Συγγενής του
Son-in-law: Γαμπρός του
Stepbrother or stepsister of: Ετεροθαλής αδελφός του
Stepfather or stepmother of: Πατριός/Μητριά του
Stepparent of: Θετός γονέας του
Stepchild of: Προγονός/ή του Uncle of: Θείος/α του
Widower or widow of: Χήρος/α του


Villein of: Βιλάνος του
Owner of villain: Ιδιοκτήτης βιλάνου
Slave of: Σκλάβος του
Owner of slave: Ιδιοκτήτης σκλάβου


Agreement with: Συμφωνία με
Apprentice of: Μαθητευόμενος του
Charterer: Ναυλωτής του
Collaboration/cooperation with: Συνεργασία με
Co-owner with: Συνιδιοκτήτης με
Employed by: Εργοδοτούμενος από
Employer of: Εργοδότης του
Executor of the will of: Εκτελεστής διαθήκης του
Guaranteed by: Εγγυοδοτούμενος από
Guarantor of: Εγγυητής του
Guarantor to: Εγγυητής προς
Guarded by: Κηδεμονευόμενος από
Guardian of: Κηδεμόνας του
Heir of: Κληρονόμος του
Lessee of: Μισθωτής του
Lessor of: Εκμισθωτής του
Lover of: Εραστής της
Mistress of: Ερωμένη του
Opponent with: Αντίδικος με
Partner of: Συνέταιρος του
Possible relation with: Πιθανή σχέση με
Proxy of: Πληρεξούσιος του
Proxy, who authorizes: Πληρεξουσιοδότης του
Relation with: Σχέση με
Ship-owner, who leases his boat: Εκναυλωτής του
Teacher of: Δάσκαλος του
Testator of: Κληροδότης του
Testator, who appoints the executor of his will: Εντολέας διαθέτης του
Transaction with: Συναλλαγή με


Administrator: Διαχειριστής
Dependent on: Εξαρτημένος από
Heir of: Κληρονόμος του
Legator of: Κληροδότης του
Lessee of: Μισθωτής του
Lessor of: Εκμισθωτής του
Owner of villain: Ιδιοκτήτης βιλάνου
Owner: Ιδιοκτήτης
Relation with: Σχέση με
Sovereign of: Επικυρίαρχος του
Transaction with: Συναλλαγή με
Villein of: Βιλάνος του


Active: Δραστήριος
Owner: Ιδιοκτήτης
Cultivator: Καλλιεργητής
Resident: Κάτοικος
Lessee: Μισθωτής
Relation with: Σχέση